An Example

I call this composition "worms". It was constructed more in the nature of an illustration than as art in its own right. (Others might think differently.)

The picture contains (by design) exactly 250 colored s-shaped Bezier curves. They are s-shaped rather than u-shaped because of the calculations done to get the 8 x and y coordinates that specify a Bezier curve. In addition to the x and y data, each curve has a width, and also 3 numbers (the red, green, blue (RGB) values) which specify its color. Thus 12 numbers define a worm, and its information content could be viewed as 12 numbers. The way the calculations are done it takes 13 random numbers for each worm. (If you look up "Bezier curve" in Wikipedia you will get a truly comprehensive account of what they are, how constructed, etc., with more information than you wanted.)

The worms are mostly crawling to left and right, not vertically, which was embodied in the calculations. The left end of each worm has a 50-50 chance of flowing up or down as one moves rightward.

The center of each worm is entirely random in its position. It can occur anywhere on the page. You might wonder "If this is so, why is there white space? There are plenty of worms to fill it all up." In fact the statistics of pure randomness say that there should be some nearly-vacant areas somewhere on the page.

The widths of the worms vary randomly from a minimum to a maximum value.

The worm color has both systematic and random variation across the image. It goes from reddish at the top to blue-cyan hues at the bottom. The program calculates a particular color for any worm which only depends on the vertical position. It then adds or subtracts a random amount (different for each worm) for each RGB value and assigns the result as the color. Thus no two worms are exactly the same color (except by unlikely coincidence). Some adjacent colors (by coincidence) are so close that it becomes hard to distinguish one worm from another.

The result is a Jackson-Pollock-like abstraction.